Maddy in Madrid
Looking for a specific travel service to enhance your trip to Spain?
If you’re not finding exactly what you need on the website, feel free to send me a quick message below detailing your ideal Spain or Madrid travel service, and we can explore potential options together! Additionally, reach out for any questions or for more information about any services!
I’m here to ensure your trip is enjoyable and to address any questions you have when you contact Maddy in Madrid! You can also connect with me on TikTok! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments about what you want to see more of or any questions you have.
Is there a lot of walking between stops for the tapas crawl?
Can you accommodate allergies?
Absolutely! If you have shellfish allergies, gluten or dairy intolerance, etc, changes can be made so you can still join! Just let me know about any dietary restrictions when you sign up, and I’ll take care of the rest.
What ages can join the tapas tours?
Will the tapas crawls still continue even if it’s raining?
Yes, they will! All tours will proceed as scheduled, rain or shine. Just be sure to bring a raincoat or umbrella. If you choose the 5-Stop option that includes a rooftop experience, we will simply move indoors to enjoy the stunning views while staying dry.